Saturday, August 6, 2011


  How much different would my daily walk with Jesus be if I had to fight for the right to serve Him? Or maybe not even fight for the right, but what about living amongst people who openly reject Him? What would it be like if I didn't live in the midst of a so called Christian community? If we really are a Christian community why aren't we pulling together to help more people learn to love Jesus?
this picture was taken when we spent the day together at the Royal Gorge in April
  Spending part of a week with my dear friends from Australia; the Pearses, was a very real eye opening experience for me. Why do I complain about driving 20 minutes to church when I could be in their shoes and have to drive 2 hours like they do? I have been so blessed by the Pearses and the love of Jesus that radiates from them!  God bless you Tony, ElizaBeth, Ed, Lachlan, Hamish, Bryce, and Anne!

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