Monday, August 29, 2011

what beauty do I possess?

3 Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— 4 rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. 5 For in this manner, in former times, the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves, being submissive to their own husbands, 6 as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror. 1 Peter 3:3-6
   What is the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit? As I read theses words I ask myself this question, and I feel this deep burning desire to really dive in and find out...why...because this incorruptible beauty is precious to God. And not only precious, but very precious!
   As I read this I ask myself, "why do we as women spend so much time adorning our outside?" It seems like so many times we get it all mixed up. We should be so much more concerned about keeping our hearts and our minds clean, pure, and uncluttered, but so many times we spend so much time worrying about how we look that we completely forget that God is most concerned about the beauty we possess on the inside. No, I am not saying we shouldn't care or that it's wrong to want look good. Wanting to be feminine and beautiful is a God given thing, I'm merely saying we need a balance.
   When I think about a gentle and quiet spirit, my mind conjures up an image of a powerful horse aching for a good run, but he is so in tune with his master that he waits patiently for the go-ahead from his master before he gives it his all in a flat out run down a sandy shore with powerful waves crashing at his feet. The horse puts all his trust in his master that he will not take him anywhere hazardous, and glories in the freedom of a full out run along the shore at his master's capable hands. I like to see myself as such in my Saviour's arms...held back from going my own way, but knowing full well that my Master won't let any harm come my way beyond His control if I just let go and let Him be the Lord and Master of my life. Only then can I run with joyful abandonment and utter trust in my Jesus. When I am completely surrendered to Jesus a gentle and quiet spirit shines through, because the striving is all gone, and my Jesus can finally shine through for people to see. That, my dear friends, is a beauty to long for and to hunger after. Without the inner beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, my outward beauty is of no value, for outward beauty only lasts for a season, while a soulful beauty lasts for eternity...
   However, I do not believe that when he talks about a quiet spirit that he is saying that a woman should not talk. God is not looking for doormats, but women completely surrendered to His will! Women willing to walk in faith, with only one goal in mind; to reflect Jesus to those around them. It seems to me he is describing a woman not given to gossip and always causing strife but a woman who brings a calmness and a sense of comfort with her very presence. A quietness that draws people to her very Creator. The part of a woman that reflects a part of God's heart. The part of His heart that nurtures and cares for people.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


  How much different would my daily walk with Jesus be if I had to fight for the right to serve Him? Or maybe not even fight for the right, but what about living amongst people who openly reject Him? What would it be like if I didn't live in the midst of a so called Christian community? If we really are a Christian community why aren't we pulling together to help more people learn to love Jesus?
this picture was taken when we spent the day together at the Royal Gorge in April
  Spending part of a week with my dear friends from Australia; the Pearses, was a very real eye opening experience for me. Why do I complain about driving 20 minutes to church when I could be in their shoes and have to drive 2 hours like they do? I have been so blessed by the Pearses and the love of Jesus that radiates from them!  God bless you Tony, ElizaBeth, Ed, Lachlan, Hamish, Bryce, and Anne!